参展指南 Exhibitor Guide — (一)为何参展:面积7w+,观众20w+,标准展位4000+,同期活动20+
(Ⅰ) Reasons to join in the CIFCE: 70,000+ square meters of exhibition area, 200,000+ visitors, 4,000+ standard booths, and 20+ concurrent events ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (二)参展理由:新品发布、品牌建设及推广、扩展国内外市场业务、收集市场信息、寻找新的供应商、建立新老客户关系
(Ⅱ) Goals to achieve at the CIFCE: Product launch, brand building and promotion, domestic and international market expansion, market information collection, new supplier development, and establishment of relationships with new and existing clients ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (三)主要展区:食材、预制菜 预制菜加工生菜企业 生产包装设备 粮油 连锁加盟 酒店用品 咖啡与饮品 智慧餐饮 厨房设备 进口及休闲食品 复合调味品 水产品
(Ⅲ) Main exhibition areas: Pre-made Dishes and Ingredients, Pre-made Dish Processing Enterprises, Production and Packaging Equipment, Grain and Oil, Franchise, Hotel Supplies, Coffee and Beverages, Smart Catering, Kitchen Equipment, Imported and Leisure Food, Compound Seasonings, and Aquatic Products ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (四)展位咨询: (Ⅳ) Booth consultation: 联系人:杨先生 座机:0731-89702619
Contact person: Mr. Yang Tel.: 0731-89702619
Smart phone number: 18674458393 |